Welcome to the K'nex Coaster Showcase where you will find photos of K'nex roller coasters plus building tips to help make your coasters better

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Recent Coasters Added

Magnum XL-200


Mach 1
-Marc Antinossi

Thriller 2
-knex crazy

Winter Oasis

February 6, 2004: This may be the final update until the new site is up. I finished the new forums and should have everything up this weekend. Be aware that the site may get kind of messed up over the next couple days while i mess with it. Certain links may not work, for example.

February 1, 2004: Sorry for having the site down earlier. I have good and bad news, though. The bad news is i decided not to use my existing web host for my new site, so I will have to go back to setting up my files on another host. The good news is the new host is much better and i will have much more space along with other good things. With the new host I wil also be able to get a new forum that should work a lot better, so don't get too comfortable with the current forums. So I will try to get the new site up this week, and expect a new URL.

January 31, 2004: Some recent news fromm the K'nex coaster world - sixflagsfreak56 announced plans to make a New "type" of coaster. You can go to the project progress page to check out more. Also, as some of you know i have been planning to make an amusement park after I finished Ninja, but I won't be doing that any more. Instead I am planning a new highly themed and compact coaster. See the press release.

I will be working on my site more today now that I have a break from school. I hope to transfer all of my files this weekend. I will also be changing the layout of the home page. Check back later for more updates.

January 29, 2004: Though the site isn't exactly growing at the moment, my model of Ninja at Six Flags St. Louis is nearing completion. As of now I have built the first corkscrew. You can see some video of the coaster in action so far by going to the Project Progress page and looking under Ninja @ Six Flags St. Louis.

January 25, 2004: Good news!! A new web host has been found and after I fix up my pages I will be able to update with new coasters! Also the new site will have a new URL address but I will have a redirect link at the old one after I finish changing servers. This whole process will take me a bit though so be patient.

January 18, 2004: I have some not-so-good news. Currently I do not have enough space to post any more coasters, so I will have to find a new host here soon to get the extra space. When I first made the site I didn't expect so many coasters to be on the site, so didn't take space into consideration. I hope to find something this week. Any suggestions would be greatly accepted.

Some non k'nex news - yesterday I had my audition for NC central all-district band, and I had to get at least 4th chair to qualify for the NC all-state band auditions. After a day of nervousness it turns out I made 2nd chair out of about 100 others! On to all-state.

January 12, 2004: The AKCS Official K'nex Coaster records are in and ready to view. Also the coasters page has changed slightly. Now there are 3 pages within the coasters page for custom coasters, recreations, and the records list.

January 8, 2004: I am looking for a new site to host my website. If anyone can give me suggestions or if you would like to host it please contact me at Coasterguy27@aol.com.

A new coaster has been sent in by a newcomer here at AKCS, Marc Antinossi, called Mach 1.

January 6, 2004: A new coasterguy27 production is under construction! It is a 9 1/2 foot launched coaster. You can see construction pics in the forums under "coasters under construction."

January 5, 2004: It's here! The Magnum XL-200 recreation is up for everyone to see. You can see it here.

Videos are now available to download. These include Double Looper, Shuttle Looper, Corkscrew, King Cobra, and Magnum XL-200. Also if you have videos of your coasters go ahead and send those in!

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If you wish to reach me with comments, suggestions, tips, photos, etc. send them them to CoasterGuy27@aol.com

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