What we do here at AKCS
Showcase K'nex Roller Coasters and K'nex Roller Coaster Tips
Our main purpose here is to collect a photo database of many K'nex roller coasters
made by many different designers.
The more the better.
People that send in coasters can eventually get their own personal designer page after sending in 5 coasters.
Here they can talk about whatever and showoff their own coasters. To send in a coaster send you photos and a brief description to coasterguy27@knexcoasters.com.
We also exist to showcase building tips sent in by diferent people.
Anything from a simple general tip to a complete tutorial is gladly accepted.
Create Custom Signature Images
Another thing we specialize in are custom sig images.
If you would like a custom image for a web site title, new coaster, or anything else you can go to the forums and look under "request a signature."
We try to get them to you as soon as possible, usually within a couple days.
If you don't like it the first time we will gladly make changes for you.
Provide Service for Advertisements
A new addition to the things we do here is the advertising program.
This is still being refined.
The basic idea is in return for you posting an advertisement for my site on yours you will receive something such as free web space.
This is not available as of now but will shortly.
Answer Questions
And finally we enjoy answering any questions you may have about K'nex roller coasters.
We here have been around since before the original K'nex roller coaster came out and have plenty experience with K'nex roller coasters.
If you are stuck you can either email me at coasterguy27@knexcoasters.com or simply post in the forums.
If you have any questions about AKCS send them to coasterguy27@knexcoasters.com.
Andrew's K'nex Coaster Showcase is not affiliated in any way with K'nex Industries, Inc.